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Modelling the business under repression (IPIWoCo 2021)
Modelling the business under repression
Townhall: Strategies for resistance (IPIWoCo 2021)
Business models for African media (how to make good journalism sustainable, and even profitable)
Catalyst or Destabiliser? COVID-19 and its Impact on the worlds Media Landscape - Sub-Saharan Africa
Journalism, Tech Platforms and the Future of Media Policy - #WorldPressFreedomDay Conference 2021
Antony Blinken a Telexnek: Moszkva és Peking aktívan ássa alá a demokráciát Közép-Európában
Funding Independent & Quality Journalism: A Moral and Practical Discussion
Veronika Munk's Freedom Lecture on her fight for freedom of the press
Media Capture: How Money, Digital Platforms, and Governments Control the News
Turkey’s Journalism Outlives the Suppression: Looking Ahead to 2023 Centenary (IPIWoCo 2020)
Media capture: when journalists and journalism are NOT the problem